DP Seals
- Client : DP Seals
- Market : Manufacturing and Engineering Industries
- Services : Design and production for print, signage, exhibition, advertising. Photography and Video. Web and App development. On-line advertising and PPC management. Forensic lead tracking and lead generation. Press relations, Social Media and Content Management.
- Web : www.dpseals.com
- Overview : DP Seals were introduced to us by Andrew Quenault of leading engineering publication DPA back in 1993 who recommended David and Andrew to us as a local Agency with a good background in Engineering. Pre-internet, it was all about advertising and PR in publications in those days and far less complicated than our current digital spaghetti junction. Over the years DP Seals has expanded dramatically along with the range of services that we now provide them with. We have a true lasting partnership with them and take a lot of pride and satisfaction in seeing how well they have done, growing from a small UK supplier to a highly respected, global force in their industry. [caption id="attachment_423" align="alignnone" width="640"]
David Piper left with 'chip off the old block' Andrew Piper right.[/caption] "When our business first started growing in the early nineties Direction came highly recommended by an Engineering publication we advertised in. Since that day Direction have been providing us with all our marketing requirements, their expertise and knowledge has been instrumental in making sure business leads have continued to grow and enabling us to react quickly at the first sign of interest. Whether it's a responsive website, press release or complex technical content Direction have always responded quickly and provided well thought out solutions. That's why after 20 years I have never considered looking elsewhere and consider them an important business partner." Andrew Piper MD DP Seals
The DP Seals logo carries the heritage and identity of a long established family business. DP being the initials of founder David Piper now the Company Chairman who started the business over 40 years ago. It’s been through a couple of versions to get to where it is today, with the new brand being launched simultaneously alongside their new 2017 website.
The strap line is just one of those brilliant bits of copy that turn up every now and again and perfectly describes the DP Seals ‘hidden component’ that ensures success for it’s normally much more visible and sometimes glamorous end product. Example: Lewis Hamilton’s F1 Mercedes Car.
When you only manufacture custom rubber mouldings, each one a different size, a different material and with a different application, defining what you do and who you do it for is a difficult task. The word ‘seal’ meaning so many things to so many people. Be you a design engineer or a marine park operator!
Because DP Seals don’t manufacture off-the-shelve products, it was always going to be a challenge SEO wise to define their services using key words and searchable phrases – so we put our thinking caps on and did some research into how we might go about this. By productising the core industries that they serve and the main search categories used to find them, we have built the perfect showcase for design engineers to view DP Seals expertise within their own industry.
Or in full – Chemical Compatibility Database – is an App we developed from a much used feature on the original DP Seals website. Now available to aid Design Engineers in making the right choice of rubber materials for the environment their product has to operate in. Available for Apple or Android phones and tablets, it was built in house by our resident developer RobG. In the three months since the CCD App launched there have been 700 downloads to design engineers all over the world – and all though this might not sound much in comparison to a gaming app, in a highly specialised niche market that’s 700 people interacting with the DP Seals Brand in their work environment – and that can only be a good thing.
Photography and Video
When it comes to photography for DP Seals, macro is often the order of the day with a number of their products features being barely millimetres in size. Though in an industry where some of the rubber materials they work in are more valuable in weight than gold, small is often beautiful. There is without fail, a continuous battle with dust and creating an image that an editor would pick out for a feature in a magazine is a challenge.
We recently completed a series of ‘In conversation‘ videos with MD Andrew Piper where he answers technical questions posed by Design Engineers that we gathered by conducting a survey with their leading customers including McLaren Mercedes and Siemens. We’ve also shot a video that showcases their dedicated Subsea Factory showing each stage of production. This works well for overseas customers, able to view facilities and processes without the need for an expensive time consuming trip.
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